Thursday, May 12, 2011

Something to be PROUD of...

Being frugal is just a nice way of saying you are CHEAP. And CHEAP is a good thing. It is also something learned.

In my early 20's, my husband and I both were making GREAT money. We had no kids, had just bought a new house and cruised around in 2 brand new vehicles. We really did not think much about finding the best price. We were the kind of people stores LOVE. We saw something we liked....we bought it.

Then came a baby. I had always said I would go back to work. All would be good and we would be back to our normal life style. Well here is a good quote I wish I had heard back then....

"Failure to prepare is 
preparing for FAILURE."

Something happen when that sweet baby was placed in my arms. I could not let it go and I could not go back to work. I now wanted to be a "Stay at Home Mom" and had failed to prepare for that. With a loving and supportive husband, I quit my job. This meant our income was cut in half, but lucky for us, we got to keep all the same bills with a few extra thanks to a new baby. YEAH! Right???........ NOT! If we only had prepared, financially we could have been in a much better place.

I quickly learned to be cheap.  

10 years later, my husband and I are in a different place. Even though we are in a better place than we were in our early 20's (pre kids).... we have prepared now for unexpected things. And we will continue to prepare. We are smarter about our purchases....we are now the kind of people stores dread seeing walk through their doors.  Not only do we use COUPONS, we now use phrases like, "let me think about it", or sometimes we just flat out say, "that is just too high and it does not fit in our budget". I have also learned patience. Patience has proven time and time again to be a money saver.

In today's economy, many people are learning, or possible re-learning the lesson I learned years ago...

It is COOL to be CHEAP!
And it something to be proud of.